Quick Start Guide - Alarm System

This Quick start guide is about to explain that how to send your first e-mail Alarm, in case your SMPP service goes offline, with Ozeki 10 Alarm System. This guide provides you the capability to configure your e-mail connection to send an e-mail alert successfully. The following steps will guide you through the process of creating alarm connection and routing your alert messages.

How to Configure E-mail Alerts with Ozeki Alarm System (easy steps)

To Configure E-mail Alerts with Ozeki Alarm System

  1. Access your Ozeki account
  2. Download and install Ozeki Alarm system
  3. Open the Alarm System
  4. Setup the 'Connection alert' alarm source
  5. Configure an SMTP connection to be able to send E-mail alerts
  6. Connect the alarm source to the notification channel with a route
  7. View the events to see the alarm being sent when the connection goes offline
  8. Check Your Inbox

How to Configure E-mail Alerts with Ozeki Alarm System (video tutorial)

By following the steps given in this short video, you will learn how to set up an alarm connection and route alert messages via e-mail in case your SMPP service goes offline. Ozeki Alarm System provides a quick and efficient way to ensure you stay informed about critical events. This effective tool makes sure you are quickly informed of important events, assisting you in maintaining the effectiveness and reliability of your systems.


In order to use the Ozeki Alarm System, you must have the latest version of Ozeki 10 SMS Gateway installed on your system, and you must also download and install Ozeki Alarm system.

Open the Ozeki Alarm app

Find the alarm system icon on the Ozeki Desktop, and click on it. This will open the Alarm System app. The Alarm system app has a similar user interface to the SMS gateawy. To make it work, you must create an alarm source, than a notification channel to send out your alerts, and finally you must link them with a route.

open alarm system application
Figure 1 - Open Alarm System application

Setup the 'Connection alert' alarm source

First step is to configure the Monitoring connection. Select the Sources button from the menu. Then you will have to select the 'Connection alert' from the list and click on install next to it.

install connection alert
Figure 2 - Install connection alert

Now in the General tab select the connection to monitor from the drop-down list as you can see in the Figure 3.

select connection to monitor
Figure 3 - Select connection to monitor

Configure an SMTP connection to be able to send E-mail alerts

The SMTP connection can be installed by clicking on Channels in the toolbar, and selecting the E-mail connections. This will bring up the E-mail connection list. Select the SMTP client. You can see the list on Figure 4.

add email connection
Figure 4 - Add email connection

Then as you can see in Figure 5, select SMTP client by clicking on Install.

add smtp client
Figure 5 - Add SMTP client

SMTP is an internet standard for email transmission. SMTP servers are used for relaying outgoing emails. On the From section provide the default sender address and on the SMTP server section, please enter the SMTP server's IP address or domain and the port number as you can see in the Figure 6. In case your SMTP server requires authentication, provide the username and password. You can also choose SSL connection if your SMTP server has a more secure connection.

provide smtp settings
Figure 6 - Provide SMTP settings

Now switch to the Advanced tab (Figure 7) and make sure the emails are sent to the correct address. In the textboxes you can set the default recipient name and address.

provide recipient address
Figure 7 - Provide recipient address

Connect the alarm source to the notification channel with a route

You can add a routing rule by clicking Routes button from the Alarm System menu. Then in the Settings, for the From connection, select the monitor connection from which you are sending the alert, and for the To connection, select the E-mail connection through which you want to send the alert (Figure 8).

add new route for alarm
Figure 8 - Add new route for alarm

View the events to see the alarm being sent when the connection goes offline

Finally if the SMPP connection goes offline, the connection alert notices it and waits for some time for a quick reconnect. If the connection does not come back during this time, in the Events section you can see the monitoring connection sends the alert via the SMTP Client (Figure 9).

alert sent when the smpp connection is offline
Figure 9 - Alert sent when the SMPP connection is offline

In the recipient's inbox you can see the E-mail Alert is received as the Figure 10 is shows.

email received
Figure 10 - Email received